Monday, October 17, 2011

Days 2, 3 and 4- Making progress!

So it appears that I am not quite organized enough to blog daily at this point (Procrastinator is my middle name)....but I DID make note on my Facebook every day, so now I can update accurately! :-)

Day 2- It would have been soooooo easy to just skip the stairs today...why? Because it's Saturday....starting a new routine on a Friday is a bit odd, but I just felt like 'TODAY is the DAY!', so you have to jump on these urges when they arise!! (been working up to that one for a few years, I would say.) Hubby came with me and down we went and up again. Just once. He said, 'C'mon, let's just do it one more time.' Which gave me the opportunity to explain: I am not doing this to 'workout'. I am trying to make a LASTING life change...not just in exercise, but in decluttering, organizing, eating healthy and just plain old MOVING....every, single day, till I take my last breathe. Now he 'gets it' and he's a great help and support....he checks in every day and asks, have you done your walk? I love it :-) For now, I need to be accountable to someone other than myself. On the decluttering side, we gave away a large sofa bed to some old neighbours (I hope they like it and decide to keep it!), which freed up some very much needed space in our basement and hopefully blessed them at the same time. I think I ate pretty good that day too. I have been taking my Vitamin D every day (Doc says I am quite deficient and will probably take a year to build it back up to where it should be.....everyone in this winter city is deficient in Vitamin D!). I also had a glass of lovely red wine, my current favorite being Middle Sister's 'Rebel Red'....I think I will have a glass or half glass every single night, this will be good for my heart. However, on the flip side, I will limit any additional alcoholic intake....that is, unless I am camping!! ;-)

Day 3- Today found me very, very busy with hockey games, hockey practice, a party at the park for my younger sons' hockey team....running here and there to feed both boys, driving back and forth to deliver a friend to his home...needless to say, night fall arrived and I hadn't done my stairs! So, I dragged my exhausted butt to the arena for Q's (Q is eldest son, C is younger son) practice...mid way through, I removed my tall boots and replaced them with my runners, then walked down the stairs from the upper level to the lower, then ran back up the stairs....I did this five times. My throat and upper lung was positively burning as I gasped for thighs were burning....phew, I am mighty out of shape, people! Eating was probably NOT so good today....I didn't really do any 'decluttering' but I sure got a lot of laundry done :-) A good day!

Day 4- Ugh, I felt crappy when I woke up this morning....I didn't sleep well at all, had sahara mouth....must have mouth breathed all night, still fighting off some sinus thing.....just draggin'. Did the usual crazy morning routine, drove Q to school, came back and had my oatmeal. Now, I like to have my oatmeal with whipping cream (yes, I admitted that! For shame!!) and brown sugar....hmmm, me thinks there will need to be some serious adjustments to this breakie. Sugar is my name is Tracey and I AM a sugar addict. And I don't think that for someone who possibly may have 'adrenal fatigue' (self diagnosis, complete desperation in trying to figure out my awful, crushing fatigue) that having ANY sugar in the morning is a good idea. I must read more of my book. Started to catch up on some PVR'd tv shows, got a little comfy in the bed and realized, holy sh*t, I have 15 minutes before I am supposed to meet J! World record sprint to shower, dressed and full makeup in 15, throw on cap, coat, scarf and out the door 9 minutes later, with time to spare, ha! (she had just left a text to meet at 11:30, hallelujah!) Fun times looking at beautiful items in Pier One, then on to lunch (meatballs, gravy, fries, Dr. Pepper....FAIL! Oh well. Baby steps, right? ;-) at IKEA, check out lighting, beds, etc. Make a few small purchases. Then on to CDL Carpet and Flooring to check out area rugs and cork flooring. Came away with a sample of cork for the master bedroom. Oh, I also spray painted my first ever item with my new 'Heirloom White' paint, an old mirror frame from my MIL, we'll see how the new look works out! Time to go get Q from school.....tummy is now feeling decidedly queasy. Stop at Timmy's and get a tea, double double....oh my, definitely some diet changes are in order!! How will I survive?? Carry on to grocery store, pick up lovely roasting chicken and broccoli for supper, park at school. Q has brought along his chest protector and helmet, as we are going down to the motorbike store to look for a Leatt brace. Oops, they are closed Mondays! No worries, over to their website outlet. Can't find one that fits, rats.
I just realized, I am rambling. Anyway, tonight I cooked a beautiful, delish chicken, with roasted potatoes (olive oil, sea salt, fresh pepper, greek seasoning) and steamed broccoli. Later, I made a gorgeous silky butternut squash soup and yummy spiced pumpkin bread...the house smells like a hug :-) Does that make sense? I think it does. So eating wasn't too bad, I guess.....not low fat but Hubby called numerous times...have you done your stairs? So off I went with C, in the pitch black, to do the stairs...four days in a row, whoot whoot! Am I on a roll, or what? ;-)

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